more ominous

美 [mɔːr ˈɑːmɪnəs]英 [mɔː(r) ˈɒmɪnəs]
  • adj.预兆的;不吉利的;恶兆的
  • ominous的比较级
more ominousmore ominous
  1. Across the street a more ominous sign of the mortgage foreclosure crisis is taped to the wrought iron gate of a stucco house on Cortino Way .


  2. Along with the relatives carrying flowers and taxi drivers waiting with name boards there were lines of off-duty police with banners that had a far more ominous message : " Welcome to Hell . "


  3. The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous .


  4. That is the good news : the outlook for the longer term is more ominous .


  5. Now , though , a more ominous reversal may be underway .


  6. That is an even more ominous possibility .


  7. But the political shifts that are now helping Israel look much more ominous in the long run .


  8. Her tones would not have been more ominous .


  9. Or , even more ominous for Silver and the league : Will some players feel like they have to ?


  10. If I was okay , I would 've said " Hello " and not the much more ominous " Hello . "


  11. Some Prison Break fans are alarmed by this development , worrying that the hiatus might have a more ominous meaning behind it .


  12. Even more ominous is the emergence of extensively drug-resistant TB , or XDR-TB , which has now been reported in55 countries .


  13. Either way , the task you must complete is just sitting there , gathering metaphorical ( or perhaps literal ) dust , and growing more ominous by the day .


  14. Yet a more ominous pall hangs over the industry , and the firms they have bought , than the prospect of investors losing some of their money .


  15. Although a drop was expected , a more ominous decline in housing activity and home prices is looming again , along with more pronounced weakness in aggregate final demand .


  16. True , the atmospherics around trade are more ominous now than then , with a steady if not explosive rise in the number of protectionist actions taken around the world .


  17. We believe it is time to start talking about another , more ominous moniker for the times ahead : the four-speed world , and the dangers it poses to global growth .


  18. But now the large US fiscal deficits are being accompanied by rapid increases in the money supply and by even more ominous increases in commercial bank reserves that could later be converted into faster money growth .


  19. If this is the case , it 's more than an ominous sign for the future of your marriage .


  20. Finally ... we are joined by one more witness to the ominous nature of this regime . His name is Mr. Ji Seong-ho .
